Sunday 18 November 2012

The Miracle of Life

The Miracle of Life
Well, the four baby blackbirds under my eaves have grown BIG in just ten days! Their eyes are open and the down on them are thickening. Both Dad and Mum are diligent care-providers but from their reaction to my approach, they probably look on me as Granny with more goodies as grannies tend to bring. Tough. No worms in my beak.
Had my monthly writers' group meet yesterday afternoon. We call ourselves the Sunday Scribes.
What do we Scribes do, you might ask. Well, we critique each other's current submission, share news and ideas and it works mightily as we do improve a lot. My first book MEMORIES IN THE BONE a historical novel, is out on all e-book sites and in Barnes &Noble and other bookstore sites, notably in My 4-year sojourn in China gave me a return to my roots during which time I got engrossed in her history. MEMORIES IN THE BONE tells about the Taiping Rebellion, which killed over 20 million people over as many years, besides producing famine across most of south China. Imagine 20 million died? For some countries that would be the entire population. For New Zealand, that would be 5 times the population! The Chinese sure can do things in a big way.
But wait, there is hope. Our hero Zhou Yu snucks out of Shanghai into the goldfields of Australia, looking for a new life, but who is that ugly scarred fellow on his trail, so near yet so elusive? Want to know more?
Oh heck, my tummy is rumbling, time for morning tea. Talk soon.

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